Thursday, May 9, 2013


It caught my attention as I walked the sidewalk this morning, cleaved moon still loitering in the sky.
Must have been rainy last night as the worms were out. Some crusted over with drying in the growing sun and others moist with life wiggling their way to life giving soil. One was stuck by it's back end (hard to tell) to the sidewalk, half crushed and dying, wriggling to get free from death.

Feels like me... sometimes. Life pulling me on, that great cloud of witnesses cheering, urging while the crust of deadness holds me to the road.

"Casting off everything that hinders..." (Hebrews 12:1).

 Yet why does it seem as if those things are still so much a part of me...sometimes. Expectations, unforgiveness, impatience bind me to the hot cement, yet His mercy pours cool on my soul, alleviating the heat so I wiggle free and press on beside Him leaning on Him, drinking in the moisture of grace.